When the aid organization “Aktion PiT” approached us with a request for a sterilization unit for the Clinique Internationale Dr. Kodom in Lomé in spring 2020, we did not know what scale the project would take. After in-depth consultation, MMM ended up supplying a complete reprocessing unit for medical products.
On 27 October, Sebastian Gündling from the MMM Group service team went to Togo to accompany the assembly and commissioning of the reprocessing unit on site. The working conditions were not comparable to those in a German clinic. The usual tools were not available. In addition, there was the tropical, humid heat of Togo. Flexibility and pragmatism were needed. The cooperation with the locals was very good. “The hospitality and helpfulness of the people here are overwhelming,” Sebastian reports.
After customs clearance, the MMM Group delivery finally arrived in the courtyard and Sebastian was faced with the first hurdle. The entire delivery, including the water tank, had to be brought up to the 2nd floor. But there was no lift in the hospital. So, our units – a Uniclean PL II 10-2 and a Selectomat PL 666-2 ED – had to be lifted up with the help of a crane. The next few days were spent drilling and plastering. The power cables were laid and the units connected. Not everything went according to plan, some things had to be improvised or solved ad hoc with a lot of creativity, but finally, after eight busy days, our reprocessing unit was ready.
Finally, the protective foils were removed and the reprocessing unit was officially handed over to Dr. Kodom’s team in a festive atmosphere. The equipment was put into operation and a complete reprocessing cycle for the next day was carried out, so that nothing more stood in the way of the first day of surgery.
It was only thanks to the cooperation of three non-profit organizations that this project could be realized at all. Aimes-Afrique played an essential role. The aid organization initiated the project and took over the entire implementation on site. Aktion PiT Togohilfe managed the financing of the project. In addition to its own donations, the association was able to obtain considerable funding for the purchase of the reprocessing unit from the Free State of Bavaria. Finally, the German “offshoot” of Aimes-Afrique received funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and was able to organize a first operation, which also served to train the local medical staff.
On the client side, three associations worked together to make the project possible:
For over 40 years, the association based in Fürstenfeldbruck, Bavaria, has been involved in numerous projects in Togo in the areas of health, education and child aid. Among other things, the association helps to build hospitals and supports over 100 bush health stations with the necessary medicines as well as medical products and equipment. More information at: www.aktionpit.de
The aid organization AIMES-Afrique was founded in Togo in 2005 and is today one of the largest networks of health professionals in Africa. In addition to extensive humanitarian medical-surgical activities, AIMES-Afrique provides education on all aspects of health and hygiene and trains medical staff. More information at: www.aimes-afrique.org
As the German “offshoot” of “AIMES-Afrique”, the association organizes interdisciplinary medical projects that contribute to improving the health situation of the population in Togo. More information at: www.aimes-afrique-allemagne.org
MMM Group
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82152 Planegg/Munich
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